Monday, 3 June 2019

Records in the digital age

What value do organizations gain from proper records management?
Over the years, Records Management has been regarded as a manual process. However through improvement in technology, Records management is no longer an undesirable job. Organizations across the globe have embraced technology and there is growing automation of business processes.

But, what are the benefits of records to business entities?

Records are important business assets which depending on proper management, impacts either negatively or positively on business processes. we now value records more than ever. How then do we ensure that records contributes positively to business processes? it can only be done through establishing sound records management systems. These systems must have strong organizational structures in order to survive. 

Let us now look at the benefits of records to business entities:
  1. Sound strategic decision making based on factual information.
  2. Protection of valuable assets for the business
  3. Protection against unwarranted legal tussles.
  4. Identification of strengths and weaknesses for the business
  5. Creation of valued organizational history.
  6. Documenting key achievements for the business
  7. Avenue for rewarding key performers in the organization
These are just a few of the benefits. in subsequent blogs, we shall be looking at creating sound records management systems in organizations.

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